GoliathJobs announces the launch of JobsOver50.com, a free web-based employment service dedicated to the needs of Baby Boomers & Retirees. David Mezzapelle, Founder and Director of Marketing & Development, expresses his excitement over the launch: “After completing extensive market research amongst Baby Boomers and Retirees, it became clear that there was a void in the existing online career services space. Our data told us that while 82% of those over the age of 50 used career-focused web sites to seek out new employment opportunities, satisfaction with these sites is pretty low with only 22% claiming to be satisfied with such services. It was a real ‘ah-ha’ moment and a logical next step for us.”
“During our research we found that 68% of job seekers over the age of 50 believe that current web-based job sites are geared primarily towards people entering the workforce rather than people with their level of experience. Additionally, 65% believe that existing career-focused web sites have too much advertising. These are the primary drivers of low satisfaction with existing sites amongst this important demographic.”
To address these concerns, JobsOver50 is spam-free and only allows verified employers to post jobs applicable to the demographic served. JobsOver50 also includes the largest job feed in North America. This assures that job seekers will see everything available without missing an opportunity across all industries.
Another JobsOver50 innovation includes a proprietary verification system which gives job seekers the edge they need. A spam-free promise ensures all users a safe environment & peace of mind. The site also allows job seekers to upload an unlimited # of resumes. They can decide which resumes are private or public. Public resumes are searchable by verified employers. Private resumes are only viewable when job seekers grant access.
“We are recognizing that today’s 50+ population wants to continue working long past the traditional age of retirement,” says Mezzapelle. “Most cite the need for income (84%), boredom avoidance (78%), and health coverage (56%) as reasons for wanting to stay in the workplace. Couple our data with the state of the economy, and other unfortunate events, and we feel as if JobOver50.com will become an invaluable tool for all Boomers & Retirees who wish to stay in the workforce.”