Outside Connect II: Saturday reading

Aug 4th, 2007 | By Aditya Kuber | Category: Interesting!

Missed the tech action from the week? Here’s all the action…

The iPhone continues to top the list of most-talked-about gadgets of all time! Recent discussions have centred around how the iPhone was hacked and how it implies that Macs may after all not be as safe as they are thought to be.

Staying with cell phones, there is a new kid in town, iPhone! The Gphone may soon be making an appearance if the buzz is to be believed. The BBC too got in on the act and reported that while Google did not confirm anything about a phone, it didn’t deny it either. Some have even suggested that a prototype may be ready!

In other news, Office 2008 for the Mac has been delayed till January. Dubbed the "Redmond Disease", Microsoft has said that it would require more time to complete work on the now three-year-old suite. And staying on at Redmond, security researcher Joanna Rutkowska has shown how to exploit Vista once again!

In other interesting tidbits, Google’s power over the search world has to be relooked at, says Om Malik. He cites the recent incidents at Answers.com to base his argument. Worth a read, I say!

And in sad news, Indians continue to fall for the email scam. Thankfully, some scammers too are getting caught now!

Gaming continues to catch the fancy of the world and Nintendo is still everyone’s darling underdog! And THQ, publishers of the Ratatouille game foresee a good year ahead for them.

And finally, LonelyGirl15 ended her first season on Friday. But here’s the good news for fans: No matter what happens to Bree, the show will continue with its second season starting Monday. Head over to YouTube and check out the finale!


Check out where to get Vista real cheap!

Google Phone image: SMH

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